pay one affordable instalment on your credit agreements
How important are these questions to you?
What is my biggest financial concern at this moment?
What impact does this concern have on me?
What impact does this concern have on my spouse/ partner, children and/or relatives?
What will happen if I do not address this concern?
What will happen if this concern is resolved?
What have I done previously to resolve my financial concern? What options did I take or consider?
We assist people who are facing financial distress and need a solution that addresses the problem, provide a sustainable plan of action and focus on positive outcomes and results.
If you are reading this you are probably already experiencing difficulty in meeting all your monthly financial obligations.
In all probabilities you might already contemplate applying for debt review, or are considering various options as to how to take control over your finances.
Let’s be honest, when experiencing financial difficulties one might feel helpless to such an extent that your finances are controlling your life and not the other way around.
As we all know financial difficulties have a severe impact on our lives, personally, and it also impacts on our families, our day to day living and our work.
Our financial goal for our clients is to have more income than expenses per month.
To be in a position where our clients can save 5% or 10% for unforeseen expenses or any other financial goal they want to pursue.
For many South Africans the idea of saving remain a dream.
Life has caught up with them and they are facing a financial situation where there are more expenses than income per month.
It is imperative to know exactly where your money is going.
Once determined, you can take the appropriate actions to resolve any imbalance on your income and expense statement.
Use your bank statements from the last three months and copy every line item on a spreadsheet.
Plan and monitor your budget. Identify and eliminate wasteful expenditures. Adapt according to your income.
Take immediate action should there be a deficit between your income and expenses.
How can we help?
Debtmatrix might just be the answer you are looking for.
We can assist in addressing your biggest financial concern.
We will provide a debt review solution to overcome the deficit on your income and expenses.